很多企业都要使用用于计算和数字图象处理的客户机/服务器,并且都尽可能使网络的潜能得以充分应用,即便在这种情况下对于网络容量的要求仍然很强烈。 为了解决业务对带宽的无止境要求,许多网络管理人员只好把这些业务转移到自己的骨干网上去运行,实际上,如果骨干网并没有采用高性能的技术,这种应对策略收效也不明显。
Many businesses are using client / server computers for computing and digital image processing, and they try their best to make the best use of the network’s potential, even though network capacity requirements remain strong in these circumstances. In order to solve the business’s endless demand for bandwidth, many network managers have to move these services to their own backbone network to run. In fact, if the backbone network does not use high-performance technology, the response strategy is not obvious.