A Study of Stance Markers in Argumentative Writing: A Corpus—based Approach

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  【Abstract】Using Hyland’s interactional meta-discourse framework as the model, the study is based on a sub-corpus of CLEC, aiming to make comparisons of stance markers among students with different scores.
  【Key words】Argumentative Writing; Stance Markers; CLEC
  1. Introduction
  Most students find it hard to make persuasive arguments in argumentative writing. Stance expresses voice. Proper stance markers are vital in argumentative writing. Previous studies were mostly based on academic articles instead of L2 argumentative writing. In view of this, this study will study stance markers in L2 argumentative writing. More specifically, this study will explore following questions:
  1.1 What are similarities of stance markers between the higher group and the lower group in argumentative writing?
  1.2 What are differences of stance markers between the higher group and the lower group in argumentative writing?
  2. Methodology
  2.1 Data Collection
  The classification of stance in this study is shown in Table 1.
  Table 1 The Classification of Stance Markers (Hyland,2008)
  Category Function Examples (4)
  Hedges withhold commitment and open dialogue perhaps;
  Boosters emphasize certainty or close dialogue in fact;
  Attitude Markers express writers’ attitude to proposition unfortunately
  Self Mention explicit reference to authors we
  This study investigated stance markers used by non-English major students from a sub corpus of CLEC. Coders selected 60 argumentative essays from ST3 randomly and divided those essays into a high-score group and a low-score group according to a rubric developed by Qin. Then, in order to ensure accuracy, the two coders firstly coded stance markers in 10 argumentative essays. Before negotiations, the two coders’ accordance ratio achieved 88%. Later, two coders coded stance markers in these 60 argumentative essays and argued those controversial ones to reach a consensus. And final results were shown through chi-square tests.
  2.2 Tools
  The corpus tool used in this study is SPSS 17. Researchers calculated standard frequencies in per 1,000 words. Then researchers observed results through chi-square tests.
  3. Findings and Discussion
  Final results are shown in Table 2.
  Table 2 Distribution of stance markers
  3.1 Similarities of Stance Markers between the Higher Group and the Lower Group   There are no significant differences in hedges and boosters as shown in Table 2, but both high-score students and low-score students use more boosters than hedges.
  In addition, compared with other 3 categories, the number of attitude markers in both groups is the least. Researchers argued attitude markers make readers explicit about writers’ attitudes in some degree, but readers can comprehend authors’ viewpoints through contents. Using too much attitude markers will make the whole passage informal.
  3.2 Differences Stance Markers between the Higher Group and the Lower Group
  From Table 2, there existed a significant difference in self-mentions. High-score students used more self-mentions in their writings, which may be concerned with writing education. Besides, high-score students used more attitude markers since high-score students have various ways to express themselves.
  4. Conclusion
  The study reveals compared with low-score students, high-score students use more authorial presence markers. Low-score students have limited ways to express themselves. Neither high-score students nor low-score students use attitude markers frequently, but high-score students are prone to express their views direct and make their arguments persuasive.
  [1]Hyland,K. Meta-discourse[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press,2008.
  [2]Qin J. Applying the Toulmin Model in Teaching L2 Argumentative Writing[J].Journal of Language Teaching
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【摘要】AR指的是一种增强现实技术,通过增强现实达到扩增现实的目的,促进真实世界信息和虚拟世界信息内容之间的交换交流,将真实世界信息与虚拟世界信息综合在一起,形成一种仿真、交互的技术环境。增强现实技术广泛地应用到多媒体、三维建模、智能交互等多种新型技术手段中,其在教学中的应用正在不断地向成熟化发展,当前处于快速发展的阶段。本文旨在研究AR环境下的多模态大学英语教学策略。  【关键词】AR增强现实技
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独具特色的人体工学  造型独特,这是小编拿到DT鼠标包装的第一感觉。  和其他鼠标惯常使用的长方形不一样,这款鼠标包装盒的横截面是个梯形,看起来就像是一辆随时准备冲锋的坦克。盒上红色边框的字体印刷着“DeathTaker”,字面翻译便是“夺命死神”,威武霸气的名称,似乎在强调这是一款电竞鼠标。毕竟杀人越货、夺命无情的事情在电竞赛场上可是最基本最司空见惯的任务。  拆开包装,里面的东西还真不少:鼠标