两个尺度:历史与科学 人类即将跨入公历纪元第二个一千年。关于世纪之交的报道正在各新闻媒体上展开。 21世纪始于哪一年,至今还是一个众说纷纭的话题。公元纪元,也叫基督纪元,是以传说中的耶稣基督诞生年为公元元年。很显然,公元没有0年——公元元年之前的那年在史书上写作公元前一年。作为历史上的计年单位,每十年为一个年代,一百年为一世纪,这就出现了公元一世纪只有99年的情况。公元纪元始行于六世纪,后来陆续为世界大多数国家所采用,大约那时人还没有考虑到有个千年起始的问题。 不少历史学家认为21世纪应该开始于2001年。但很多科学家,包括天文学家,认为新世纪应当起始于2000年。我们在
Two Scales: History and Science Humanity is about to enter the second millennium of the Gregorian calendar. Reports on the turn of the century are being carried out in various news media. The 21st century began in what year, is still a topic of controversy. The Era, also known as the Christian era, is based on the legendary birth of Jesus Christ as the first year of the Christian era. Obviously, there is no year 0 AD - the year before the first year of the first year of the year BC. As a historical unit of measurement, every decade is a century and a hundred years is the first century. This shows the situation of only 99 years in the first century AD. The era of the Era dates from the 6th century and was gradually adopted by most countries in the world. About a thousand years ago, however, people did not consider the issue of starting a millennium. Many historians think that the 21st century should start in 2001. But many scientists, including astronomers, believe the new century should start in 2000. we are at