Kundt找出溶质分子的吸收谱带随溶剂色散率的增加而向长波移动的规则,可用下式表示: △v=v_(气体)-v_(溶液)=K_1(n-1)(1) 其中n为溶剂的折光指数.许多学者曾争论这规则的正确性,甚至予以全部否定.经多年研究后,人们才对溶剂与溶质分子间的作用有较全面的了解,才认识只有在溶质分子是非极性,而且在它们与溶剂分子之间又无氢键的情况下,则它们的谱带位移△v才有可能完全决定于溶质-溶剂分子间的色散作用.
Kundt finds out the rule that the absorption band of the solute molecule shifts to the long wavelength with the increase of the solvent dispersion rate, and can be expressed as follows: Δv = v_ (gas) -v_ (solution) = K_1 (n-1) n is the refractive index of the solvent.Many scholars have argued that the correctness of this rule, or even be denied.After many years of research, people have a more comprehensive understanding of the role of solvent and solute molecules, only recognized in the solute molecules are Polarity, and in the absence of hydrogen bonds between them and the solvent molecules, their band shift Δ v may be completely determined by the solute-solvent molecular dispersion.