石油钻机的绞车一般设计成多个档位 ,各档的挂合和变更方法都不同。过去一直采用的是手动机械式换档或气动机械式换档。JC2 5型绞车则全部采用气动控制气胎离合器方式换档 ,取消了整套机械式换档机构。它既简单 ,又便于操作 ,而且可靠 ,不易发生故障 ,但控制气路的设计比较复杂。现文就是论述这种控制换档方式的优点、气路设计原理及操作方法
The winch of the oil drilling rig is generally designed into a plurality of stalls, and the methods for attaching and changing the stalls are different. In the past, manual or pneumatic mechanical shifts have been used. JC2 5-type winches are all pneumatic control pneumatic tire clutch shift, eliminating the entire mechanical shift mechanism. It is simple, easy to operate, and reliable, not prone to failure, but the control of the gas circuit design is more complicated. The text is to discuss the advantages of this shift control method, gas circuit design principles and methods of operation