用经典浸润心灵——记西安市远东第二小学“弘扬传统文化 传承国学经典”系列活动

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“诗的语言,典藏着五千年悠久的历史文化;诗的声音,演绎着不朽历史的风骨铿锵。”2015年6月1日,伴随着歌声和欢笑,西安市远东第二小学“弘扬传统文化传承国学经典”系列活动精彩亮相。其实,活动从5月便已拉开帷幕,围绕这一主题,学校推出了一个又一个精彩纷呈的“花簇”。整个活动包含“中华经典诗文诵读”比赛、传统手工制作展示、国学文艺汇演三大部分,让同学们回到母语的温暖怀抱,回到文化经典之中,重温中华文化的魅力。在一阵悠扬的古典音乐中,活动正式开始。参赛选手身着汉、唐、宋等时期的服装,将很多 “Poetic language, a collection of 5,000 years of history and culture; poetic voice, interpretation of the immortal history of the strong-tongued. ” June 1, 2015, accompanied by singing and laughter, Xi’an Far East second primary “Carry forward the tradition of traditional Chinese culture classic” series of exciting debut. In fact, the activity has already started from May. Around this theme, the school launched one after another brilliant flower clusters. The whole activity includes three parts: “Classic Chinese Verse Recitation” Contest, Traditional Handcrafted Display and Guoxue Art Performance, so that students can return to the warm embrace of their native languages ​​and return to the cultural classics to revisit the charm of Chinese culture. In a melodious classical music, the event officially began. Contestants dressed in Han, Tang, Song and other period of clothing, will be a lot
教育是一种特殊的行业,所以教育也是一种特殊的服务,不仅要满足学生的受教育权,更要满足学生的生存权以及完善人格的需要。学生的健康成长依赖的不仅仅是知识塑造,而更多的是情感的传承。只有教师以自己的真情对待学生,才会使学生也能以同样的胸襟对待别人、对待生活,这就是教师的情感对学生人生态度的渗透作用。  教育,是一种平等的对话。在这种方式下,学生会受到充分的尊重,得到心灵的满足。我们的学生正像一棵棵幼苗,