悬铃木网蝽又名悬铃木白翅网蝽、悬铃木方翅网蝽,其拉丁名为Corythucha ciliata妇Say,英文名为Sycamore lace bug,主要为害悬铃木植物,是我国新近发现的重要外来有害生物。该虫原产北美洲,广泛分布于美国及加拿大东部地区,上世纪六十年代年开始传人意大利并向南欧及中欧
It is also called Sycamore lace bug in the Latin name. Its main name is Sycamore lace bug. It is the most important exotic pest recently discovered in our country. The insects native to North America, are widely distributed in the United States and eastern Canada, the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century, descendants of Italy and to southern Europe and Central Europe