磁头是录音机的关键器件之一,其质量好坏直接影响整机的频响、失真度、信噪比等主要技术参数.这如同照相机的镜头,镜头不好,怎么也拍不出清晰、逼真的照片.磁头质量的好坏,需要通过测量其各项技术参数来确定.我国虽有统一的磁头测试方法,但是由于目前各厂所用产品的测试条件与测试方法各不相同,实测结果有较大差异.本文以引进生产的R2072录放磁头与E2183抹音磁头为例,介绍磁头的主要技术参数及其测试方法. 一、磁头阻抗它是在规定的电流及频率下,磁头两端的电压与电流之比值.在直流情况下,电抗分量为零,仅有电阻
Head is one of the key components of the recorder, the quality of a direct impact on the frequency response, distortion, signal to noise ratio and other major technical parameters.This is the same as the camera lens, the lens is not good, how can not shoot clear, realistic The quality of the head, it needs to be determined by measuring its technical parameters.Although our country has a unified head test method, but due to the current factory products used in the test conditions and test methods are different, the measured results are more Great difference.This paper introduces the production of R2072 recording head and E2183 wiping head as an example to introduce the main technical parameters of the head and test methods.A head impedance It is at the specified current and frequency, the voltage across the head and current Ratio in the DC case, the reactance component is zero, only the resistance