一太平天国革命发生在鸦片战争以后,是在国内阶级矛盾尖锐,广大群众不甘忍受封建统治者的压迫剥削而爆发的一次反抗运动。在运动中,它提出了比较完整的革命纲领,建立了比较严密的革命武装和比较完备的革命政权,以及它的规模之大,历时之久,影响之深,都是以往农民战争不可比拟的,它把中国旧式农民战争推进到了最高峰,这充分显示了农民群众具有反封建的革命性和巨大的创造力,但是,这场大规模的斗争最后仍然以悲剧结束。其原因就是由于太平天国仍是一场旧式农民战争。农民阶级不是新的生产方式的代表,它不可能改变旧的封建生产关系,也就是它不可能从根本上推翻封建剥削制度,所以,就这个意义来说,它的失败是必然的。那么,我们是否可以从另一个角度来看,太平天国能否取得一个象刘邦、朱元璋那样的胜利,也就是推翻反动腐朽的清王朝,来一个改朝换代呢? 历史表明,在封建社会里取得胜利的旧式农民战争,有能力推翻腐朽的旧王朝,建立一个开明的新王朝,为生产力的发展,为社会的进步,扫除一切障碍。秦末的刘邦,元末的朱元
After the Opium War, the Taiping Reform took place in the midst of a sharp rebel movement against the contradictions in the domestic classes and the broad masses unwilling to endure the oppression and exploitation by the feudal rulers. During the campaign, it proposed a relatively complete revolutionary program, established a relatively tight revolutionary armed forces and a relatively complete revolutionary regime, and its large scale, which lasted for a long time and has a profound impact, are unparalleled in the peasant war in the past , Which pushed the old Chinese peasant war to a peak, fully demonstrated the anti-feudal revolutionary nature and enormous creativity of the peasantry. However, this large-scale struggle ended in tragedy in the end. The reason is because the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is still an old peasant war. The peasant class is not a representative of a new mode of production. It can not change the old feudal relations of production. That is, it can not fundamentally overthrow the feudal system of exploitation. Therefore, in this sense, its failure is inevitable. Then, can we from another point of view, whether the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom can win a victory like Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang, that is, overthrow the reactionary and decadent Qing dynasty, and turn it into a dynasty? History shows that the old style of victory in feudal society The peasant war was capable of overthrowing the decadent old dynasty and establishing an enlightened new dynasty. It swept away all obstacles for the development of productive forces and for social progress. Liu Bang at the end of Qin Yuan Yuan Zhu Yuan