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编辑同志:我是一名医保经办机构的工作人员,国家2004版药品目录和辽宁省2005版药品目录出台之后,我所在的统筹地区实施了新的药品目录。但具体执行时,我们看到,氨基酸型肠内营养剂等4种口服药品“限重症病人不能进食”。临床对饮食常规分4类:普食、半流食、流食、禁食或全胃肠外营养,“不能进食”通常被理解为不能进流食,不能饮水的病人,让他(她)服用口服剂型的药品,显然极其困难。请问,对于这样的问题,我们该如何看待才能执行好新的药品目录? Editor’s Comrade: I am a staff member of the health care insurance agency. After the 2004 version of the national drug list and the Liaoning Province version of 2005 drug list were issued, the new drug list was implemented in the co-ordinating region where I am located. However, the specific implementation, we have seen, amino acid-based enteral nutrition and other 4 kinds of oral drugs “limited severe patients can not eat ”. Clinical diet divided into four categories: general diet, semi-liquid food, fluid, fasting or total parenteral nutrition, “can not eat ” is usually understood as not into the flow of food, can not drink water, let him (her) take Oral dosage forms of medicines, obviously extremely difficult. Excuse me, for such a question, what should we do to implement the new drug list?
无论是生料、熟料、袋栽、床栽各种食用菌。都易出现一定数量的杂菌感染,我们在生产中总结出一条简便的防治方法,即用水96%、石膏1%、盐1%、高锰酸钾0.5%、石灰1.5%, Whether ra