机电部13所第21次科研成果鉴定会、第十届学术年会已胜利结束,这标志着我所全体同志圆满地完成了1989年的全年任务。胜利的喜悦正激励着跨上九十年代骏马的我所同志们迎接新的战斗。 1988年制订的高技术研究为先导、高技术产品为核心的“技术和产品发展战略”要求作为四大支柱(微波毫米波器件及MIMIC;GaAs VHSIC;新型光电器件及OEIC;电办电子器件及SPIC)和三大支撑条件(半导体
The 21st Scientific Research Achievement Appraisal Meeting and the 10th Academic Annual Meeting of the Electromechanical Department 13 have been successfully concluded. This marks that all our comrades have successfully completed the 1989 annual tasks. The joy of victory is inspiring the comrades who have stepped up to the horses of the 1990s to welcome new battles. The high-tech research developed in 1988 was the leading technology and product development strategy with the core of high-tech products as the four pillars (microwave millimeter-wave devices and MIMIC; GaAs VHSIC; new photoelectric devices and OEIC; electronic devices and electronic devices. SPIC) and three major support conditions (semiconductor