Experimental study on three dimensional movements of particles Ⅰ Effects of particle diameter on vel

来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanfenng
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Based on the three Dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry(3D PTV) system,the characteristics of motion of particles with four different diameters were investigated under the steady flow conditions. The longitudinal average velocity profiles of these particles were in accordance with Log-law,while the vertical and transverse velocities remained very low with minimal fluctuation. The time-average velocity of particles in the bed load layer was 8.50u,close to Bagnold’s assumption U n-ω. The vertical concentration distribution of particles in the suspension region agreed with the Rouse equation. When the diameter of particles was relatively large,there existed an evident concentration gradient in the bed load layer. Based on the three Dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) system, the characteristics of motion of particles with four different diameters were investigated under the steady flow conditions. The longitudinal average velocity profiles of these particles were in accordance with Log-law, while the vertical and transverse velocities remained very low with minimal fluctuation. The time-average velocity of particles in the bed load layer was 8.50u, close to Bagnold’s assumption U n-ω. The vertical concentration distribution of particles in the suspension region agreed with the Rouse equation. When the diameter of particles was relatively large, there existed an obvious concentration gradient in the bed load layer.
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