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目的:探讨PCI患者自我管理轨迹,旨在为PCI患者疾病自我管理提供更好的指导。方法:采用目的抽样法,选择2019年4—12月在哈尔滨市某三级甲等医院和天津市某三级甲等医院就诊及随访的15例PCI术后患者为研究对象。对15例患者进行访谈、录音,同时对录音资料进行转录,采用Strass和Corbin的扎根理论分析资料方法进行开放式编码、轴心式编码和选择式编码,形成类属和核心类属。结果:PCI术后患者疾病自我管理呈现的核心类属为“危机意识下PCI患者自我管理轨迹”,即PCI患者自我管理路径随其疾病风险认知的改变呈现动态变化过程,当患者意识到疾病风险后进入主动健康管理的路径,当患者未认识到疾病风险或风险认知下降时进入忽视疾病自我管理的路径。结论:医务人员应重视并加强PCI患者术后早期风险认知教育;量化患者健康教育认知需求,给予针对性健康教育干预措施;加强院外监督管理,为患者树立终身自我管理的理念。“,”Objective:To explore the self-management trajectory of patients with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) , in order to provide better guidance for disease self-management of patients with PCI.Methods:From April to December in 2019, a total of 15 patients with PCI who were treated and followed up in a Class Ⅲ Grade A hospital in Harbin and a Class Ⅲ Grade A hospital in Tianjin were selected as the research objects. All 15 patients were interviewed and recorded. Then the records were transcribed and analyzed with open coding, axial coding and selective coding according to the grounded theory put forward by Strass and Corbin, to identify the categories and core category.Results:The core category of disease self-management of patients undergoing PCI was “crisis-conscious path of PCI patient self-management”, that was, the path of PCI patient self-management presented a dynamic process with the change of disease risk cognition. When patients were aware of the disease risk, they would enter the path of active health management, and when patients were unaware of the disease risk or risk cognition declines, they would enter the path of ignoring the disease self-management.Conclusions:Medical staff should pay attention to and strengthen the early postoperative risk awareness education of PCI patients; quantify patients' cognitive needs of health education and give targeted health education intervention measures; strengthen supervision and management outside the hospital, and establish the concept of lifelong self-management for patients.
19岁时,他开始从事贩卖鳗鱼苗的生意,几乎包揽了从江苏常熟到上海宝山一带收购鳗鱼苗的全部业务,成为村民眼中的风云人物。  二十多岁时,他因为沉迷赌博,挥霍千万家产,甚至连自己的婚礼差点都忘了。  4年前,一贫如洗的他痛改前非,开始养殖长江大闸蟹。4年艰辛,4年坚守,4年等待,回头的浪子成为年销售额达3000万元的养殖大户,他就是江苏省太仓市浮桥镇十八湾生态水产养殖专业合作社的负责人陆志杰。  沉迷
摘 要:随着科技和市场经济的发展,人类一味追求经济快速发展时,加速了资源和能源的消耗。形成了“高生产、高消耗、高污染”的发展模式。随着化学品的大量生产和广泛应用,给人类原本和谐的生态环境带来了黑臭的污水、讨厌的烟尘、难以处置的废物和各种各样的毒物……威胁着人们的健康,伤害着人类,生态环境遭到严重破坏,地球和人类已经不堪重负。环保问题是一个刻不容缓的问题,是关系社会可持续发展的重要问题。  关键词: