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最近几年,社会环境在不断变化,改革发展成为时代主题,而教学活动作为社会活动的重要组成部分,自然也需要与社会环境相一致,所以教学体制改革同样在不断推进,不管是新课程理念的提出,还是素质教育的施行,都促进了今天教学活动的改变和发展。高中语文教学在整个教学活动中占据重要位置,因此在教学体制改革过程中也在不断尝试创新,主要针对高中语文教学方法创新的内容展开,从当前高中语文教学的实际情况出发,结合高中语文教学的特点,对高中语文教学方法创新进行了简单研究。 In recent years, the social environment is constantly changing and the reform and development have become the theme of the times. As an important component of social activities, teaching activities naturally need to be consistent with the social environment. Therefore, the reform of the teaching system is also constantly promoted. Whether it is the concept of a new curriculum , Or the implementation of quality education, have all contributed to the change and development of today’s teaching activities. Chinese teaching in senior high schools occupies an important position in the whole teaching activities. Therefore, we try our best to innovate in the process of teaching system reform. The main content of this paper is to start with the innovation of Chinese teaching methods in senior high schools. Based on the current situation of Chinese teaching in senior high schools, The characteristics of high school Chinese teaching methods for a simple study.
我自2006年从一个地级市市委副秘书长、市委办公室主任职位上转任教育局长,已有6年了。近日,我接受了市人大常委会的任命,连任教育局长。  如果说校长是船长的话,那么,教育局长就是舰队总司令。面对变幻莫测、浩淼无垠的海域,如何带领所属舰船安全、平稳、快速并富有成效地驶向彼岸,是教育局长每时每刻要做的功课。要管理,必须是内行。教育局长进入角色的速度直接决定着所辖行政区域教育发展的速度和品质。  我刚做