在上海市区一条狭窄弄堂内,有一家上海农垦所属的长江农场英达电子仪器厂。 1989年9月26日,这家小厂收到北京戒严部队指挥部发来的一份不寻常的贺电:“贵厂为我部安装的50台900兆无中心拨号无线电话,经3次实测,通讯质量上乘,无背景噪音,穿透力强,使北京市区国庆节日保卫中的无线电通讯得到了保证”。第二天,《解放日报》、上海电台对该厂作了详细报道。紧接着,全国各地要求订购这种无线电话的信函如雪片飞来。“成功了!”全厂人为之振奋,
In a narrow alley in downtown Shanghai, there is a Yingda Electronic Instrument Factory at the Changjiang Farm owned by Shanghai Land Reclamation. On September 26, 1989, this small factory received an unusual congratulatory message from the headquarters of the Beijing Martial Law Corps: “The 50 900-mech centerless dial-up radiotelephones installed by our factory for our department have been measured three times , High-quality communication, no background noise, strong penetration, the Beijing area National Day holiday in the radio communication has been guaranteed. ” The next day, “Liberation Daily”, Shanghai Radio made a detailed report of the plant. Shortly thereafter, letters calling for the purchase of such wireless phones across the country came as snow flakes. “Success!” The whole factory was excited,