海因斯保持了15年之久的100米9秒95的世界纪录,比蒙8.90米的跳远世界纪录、伊万斯43秒86的400米世界纪录以及男子4×400米接力跑2分56秒16和三级跳远17.89米的世界纪录,都是在海拔2250米的墨西哥城创造的。非常巧的是,今年7月3日,男女100米世界纪录在海拔2l 94米的科罗拉多被双双刷新了,人们在谈论着:这两项世界纪录是不是高原的恩赐?在高原地区创造的成绩是否应与在平原地区创造的成绩分开来计算?
Hines maintains a 15-year long 100-meter world record of 9 seconds 95, a world long jump record of 8.90 meters Beyonce, Evans 43-second world record of 86 in 400 meters and a men’s 4 × 400-meter relay run of 2 points 56 World records of seconds 16 and triple jump 17.89 meters were created in Mexico City at 2250 meters above sea level. Coincidentally, on July 3 this year, the 100-meter world record for both men and women was refreshed in Colorado at an altitude of 2194 meters. People are talking about whether these two world records are a gift from the plateau. The achievements made in the plateau region Should it be calculated separately from the achievements created in the plains?