1958年戴维·张从新加坡出发,行程29766.5公里,到达伦敦,创造了世界记录。这个记录,令人望而生畏。20多年来一直无人问津,但是在1977年一个年仅23岁的英国人乔治·米根决心向这个纪录挑战。 1977年1月26日他从南美洲最南端的火地岛的乌苏怀亚出发,经过2426个日日夜夜,行程达30604公里,途经16个国家,终于在1983年9月18日下午1点30分到达美国阿拉斯州的最北端的北冰洋边,结束了他近七年的漫长而艰巨的历程。
In 1958, David Zhang started his journey from Singapore with a journey of 29766.5 kilometers and arrived in London to create a world record. This record is daunting. For more than 20 years nobody has been concerned, but in 1977 George Millon, a 23-year-old Englishman, was determined to challenge the record. On January 26, 1977, he departed from Ushuaia, the southernmost tip of South America, on Tierra del Fuego. After 2426 days and nights, it traveled 30,604 kilometers and passed through 16 countries. Finally, at 18:00 on September 18, 1983 30 minutes to reach the northernmost Arctic edge of Arras, ending a long and arduous journey of nearly seven years.