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第51届IMO预选题几何部分第一题为:rn题1 设锐角△ABC边BC、CA、AB的高的垂足分别为D、E、F,直线EF与△ABC的外接圆的一个交点为P,直线BP与DF交于点Q.证明:AP =AQ.[1]rn笔者在证明此题时将点C一侧补全,调整了字母顺序,得到题2.rn题2 设锐角△ABC边BC、CA、AB的高的垂足分别为D、E、F,直线EF与△ABC的外接圆的两个交点分别为M、N(M在劣弧(AB)上),直线BM与DF、CN与DE分别交于点P、Q.证明:PQ∥BC.
Antibody upstream sequence diversity and its biological implications revealed by repertoire sequenci
The sequence upstream of the antibody variable region (antibody upstream sequence[AUS]) consists of a 5\'untranslated region (5\'UTR) and a preceding leader region.The sequence variations in AUS affect antibody engineering end PCR based antibody quant
决赛rn1.对某些正整数n>m,数n既可以表示为2021个加数的和,其中,每个加数均为m的非负整数次方幂数,又可以表示为2 021个加数的,其中,每个加数均为m+1的非负整数次方幂数.试问:对于怎样的最大的m有此可能(即使只存在一个n>m)?
Interception,degradation and contributions of terrestrial organic carbon obtained from lignin analys
Understanding the fate of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) in a cascade impoundment system is critical for recognizing the role of carbon sink for reservoirs.Surface sediments collected from eight cascade reservoirs across the Wujiang River,southwestern Ch
Nitrogen is a key element essential for plant growth and crop pro-duction,and the improvement of the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops largely contributes to yield production.The improvement of NUE is a major challenge in agriculture,not only for red
Groundwater samples were evaluated through-out Turkana County (Kenya,East Africa) while looking for drinking water sources.Some samples showed high con-centrations of fluoride with values in the range of 0.15-5.87 mg/L.Almost 50% of the samples exceeded t
几何部分rn1.已知△ABC为等腰三角形,BC=CA,D为边AB上的点,使得AD<DB,点P、Q分别为边BC、CA上的点,使得∠DPB=∠DQA=90°,PQ的中垂线与线段CQ交于点E,△ABC的外接圆与△CPQ的外接圆的第二个交点为F.若P、E、F三点共线,证明:rn∠A CB=90°.
Long-range gene regulation network of the MGMT enhancer modulates glioma cell sensitivity to temozol
Approximately 80% of primary tumors in the central nervous sys-tem are malignant glioma,and >50% of those are diagnosed as glio-blastoma (GBM),the most aggressive glioma.Despite treatment advances,GBM prognosis is unsatisfying,and the median survival time