今年7月,我区人大常委会通过了《宁夏回族自治区教育督导条例》(以下简称《条例》),随即公布并宣布于9月1日起施行。这是继2001年12月《山东省教育督导条例》公布施行后,我国第二个省级教育督导条例。是我区教育督导法制化建设的标志性成果。也是对全国教育督导工作的新贡献。确实可喜可贺。 党的十六大指出,行政管理体制
In July of this year, the Standing Committee of our district adopted the Regulation of Education and Supervision of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (the “Regulations”), and immediately announced and announced that it will come into force on September 1. This is the second provincial education supervision regulation in our country after the promulgation and implementation of “Shandong Province Education Supervision Ordinance” in December 2001. Is our region education and supervision of the legal system of landmark achievement. It is also a new contribution to the national education supervision work. Really gratifying. The 16th CPC National Congress pointed out that the administrative system