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为研究液体晃动对液罐车行驶稳定性的影响,针对罐体内液体的横向晃动问题,运用势流理论建立了液体晃动的控制方程,并采用Galerkin方法进行了求解;根据等效原则建立了罐体内液体晃动的弹簧-质量-阻尼等效力学模型,通过与试验数据的比较,验证了文中的求解过程及建立等效模型方法的正确性。运用建立的等效模型,通过具体算例分析了液体晃动特征频率和等效模型参数随充液比的变化关系、车辆的侧向加速度和充液比对罐体的横向作用力和力矩的影响。结果表明:在液体晃动中,第一阶晃动质量起主导作用,在精度要求不高的情况下,可以考虑只建立一阶等效系统;液体晃动第一阶特征频率随充液比的增加而增加,第二、第三阶特征频率随充液比的增加先减小再增加;罐车转向运动时,充液比在λ为0.8-1.0时液体晃动最剧烈,并且液体对罐体的作用力和力矩均随侧向加速度的增加而增加。 In order to study the influence of liquid sloshing on the traveling stability of tanker, aiming at the lateral sloshing problem of liquid tank, the governing equations of liquid sloshing are established by using potential flow theory and solved by Galerkin method. According to the equivalent principle, Liquid-rocking spring-mass-damping equivalent mechanical model is compared with the experimental data to verify the solution process and the correctness of the equivalent model method. Using the established equivalent model, the influence of the lateral acceleration and filling ratio of the vehicle on the horizontal force and moment of the tank was analyzed by the concrete example through analyzing the relationship between the characteristic frequency of the liquid sloshing and the parameters of the equivalent model. . The results show that the quality of the first-order sloshing plays a leading role in the sloshing of liquid and only the first-order equivalent system can be considered when the precision is not high. The first order characteristic frequency of liquid sloshing increases with the increase of the filling ratio Increase, the second and third order characteristic frequency first decreases and then increases with the increase of liquid to liquid ratio; when the tanker turns to the movement, the liquid filling ratio is the most violent when λ is 0.8-1.0, and the acting force of the liquid on the tank And moment increase with the increase of lateral acceleration.
目的 探讨舌鳞状细胞癌浸润神经组织的临床病理学意义.方法 通过复习73例舌鳞状细胞癌患者的常规组织学切片,研究其浸润神经组织与其他临床病理学指标的关系.结果 73例患者中有38例(52%)出现神经组织浸润,其与肿瘤表面最大直径(Z=-3.978,P=0.000)、浸润深度(Z=-5.756,P=0.000)、局部复发(Z=-3.612,P=0.000)及区域淋巴结转移(P=-2.807,P=0.0
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