综合梳理 强化应用——“分数、百分数应用题的整理和复习”教例与反思

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教例: 1.谈话引入。 (1)你去过麦德龙超市吗?这节课我们来了解麦德龙超市的一些情况,并用我们学过的分数、百分数知识解决一些实际问题。先请同学们阅读三条信息,说说你知道了什么,又联想到了什么。 A.食品类营业额占总营业额的1/5; B.双休日到麦德龙超市购物的人数比平时多三成; C.三星电视机让利2%出售。 (2)师生共同小结:通过阅读这些含有分率的句子,我们可知道把什么量看作单位“1”,联想到另一个量是单位“1”的几分之几(或百分之几)。 Teaching example: 1. Conversation introduced. (1) Have you been to the METRO supermarket? In this lesson, we came to know some of the conditions in METRO supermarket and used some of our knowledge of scores and percents to solve some practical problems. First ask the students to read three messages, talk about what you know, but also think of something. A. Food turnover accounted for 1/5 of the total turnover; B. Weekend to Metro supermarket shopping more than normal number of people; C. Samsung TV let profit 2% for sale. (2) Teacher-student Common Summary: By reading these sentences with fractional rates, we can know what quantity is regarded as the unit “1” and the other quantity is the fraction of the unit “1” (or percent a few).
some,any,no 和every可以与one,body,thing构成复合不定代词,它们的用法基本与some,any 的用法相同。请看下表:  认真研读各地的中考试题可以发现,关于复合不定代词的考点主要集中在以下几点:  一、考查复合不定代词的基本用法  [考点归纳]由some合成的复合不定代词通常用在肯定句中;由any合成的复合不定代词通常用于一般疑问句、否定句中;nothing,nobod