患者男,15岁,该患于1991-11-16上午用电烙铁焊子弹头而爆炸击伤左眼,速来我院门诊就医,门诊以左眼球穿孔伤球内异物介绍入院.查体:左眼视力:4.0,下眼睑红肿,泪囊处裂伤,下睑穹窿结膜水肿及球结膜下出血,在其伤口近巩膜处可触及一硬性异物,不活动.左眼角膜透明,前房正常,瞳孔对光反射良好,虹膜正常,晶体未混浊,左眼玻璃体混浊(++);视神经乳头充血,边缘模糊,黄斑中心反射弱其周围网膜反光增强,但未见出血及渗出,也未查到异物,眼压正常。X 线摄片报
Patient male, 15 years old, suffering from explosion with electric soldering iron projectile warhead on the morning of November 11, 1991, wounded left eye, come to our hospital for medical treatment, out-patient to the left eye perforation injury foreign body introduced in the ball. Left eye visual acuity: 4.0, lower eyelid swelling, laceration at the lacrimal sac, conjunctival edema of the lower eyelid and subconjunctival hemorrhage in the wound near the sclera at the touch of a hard foreign body, inactive left cornea transparent anterior chamber normal , Good pupil light reflex, iris normal, crystal opacity, left eye vitreous opacity (++); optic nerve head hyperemia, fuzzy edge, macular center reflex weak surrounding retinal reflex enhancement, but no bleeding and exudation, but also No foreign body was found, intraocular pressure was normal. X-ray radiography