我国是一个多地震的国家,有较丰富的历史地震资料。公元前1831年即有地震记述。自宋、元以来(约十二世纪),地方志逐渐盛行,特别是明代以后(公元1368年),地震记载较为普遍与详细,不仅记有强震破坏,而且对远震波及与当地的弱震情况都有所描述,甚至一些抗震经验也有所涉及。 解放后,为了我国社会主义建设中抗震设计的需要,中国科学院组织了各方面人员查阅了各种文史书籍八千余种,以不到两年的时间,基本上完成了资料的搜集和整理工作,
China is a country with many earthquakes and has a lot of historical seismic data. Earthquakes happened in 1831 BC. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties (about the 12th century), local chronicles have prevailed. Especially after the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD), the earthquakes recorded were common and detailed. They not only recorded the destruction of strong earthquakes but also affected the far-away earthquakes and the local weak earthquakes Have described, and even some earthquake experience also involved. After the liberation, in order to meet the needs of earthquake-resistant design in the socialist construction in our country, the Chinese Academy of Sciences organized all kinds of personnel to inspect more than 8,000 kinds of books of literature and history. In less than two years, the data collection and arrangement were basically completed ,