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用画佳 FJ-2508型双继电器彩电遥控器,按技术资料改装厦华 XT-5101、5102彩电,开机时需按着电源开关(因改装时已将开关内弹簧钩拆掉),同时按下 STANDBY 键,使 Q802饱和导通、继电器 RL501吸合,电视机才能工作,且遥控关机时喇叭发出高叫声。用导线将 STAND BY 键短接,开机就简单了,但关时喇叭仍发出高叫声,因为此时原音量控制电路还在起作用。拔掉主机板上 BE_3E_4E_5四针插头,断开原音量控制电路,且用导线将继电器 RL501触点短接,以取消 STAND BY控制电路,开、关机及使用就能正常了。 Use painting good FJ-2508 dual relay color TV remote control, according to technical information modification XORA XT-5101,5102 color TV, power switch according to the power switch (because the conversion has been removed within the switch spring hook), while pressing STANDBY key, so that Q802 saturation conduction, relay RL501 pull, the television can work, and the remote control off loudspeakers horn. Stand BY STANDBY key wire shorted, boot is simple, but the horn is still off when the issue is high, because the original volume control circuit is still working. Unplug the BE_3E_4E_5 four-pin plug on the motherboard, disconnect the original volume control circuit, and short circuit the relay RL501 contact with a wire to cancel the STAND BY control circuit, turning on and off and using it normally.
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