近些年来,不少的研究资料都提到硼是植物生活中必需的元素。雅可夫列娃的研究指出:施用硼肥可以增加块根作物的产量,提高果实含糖量,减少棉花、苜蓿、大豆等作物的子房脱落。库药(?)佐夫的研究指出,用 H_3BO_3(200毫克/公升)溶液浸种棉花15小时,可以减少落蕾数,提早盛熟,并使籽棉增产20%。阿巴耶娃在她的研究中指出,大多数作物在硼素的影响下,发芽的花粉粒数目都增多了;而黄瓜、罂粟在缺硼的条件下,花粉一般都不发茅;并指出,花期的西瓜施硼肥不仅多结果实,也能增加含糖量。由此可
In recent years, many studies have mentioned that boron is an essential element in plant life. Yakovlevova’s research pointed out: the application of boron fertilizer can increase the yield of root crops, improve fruit sugar content, reduce cotton, alfalfa, soybeans and other off-ovary crops. Zov’s research indicates that the soaking of cotton with H_3BO_3 solution (200 mg / L) for 15 hours can reduce the number of fallen buds, prematurely mature and increase seed cotton yield by 20%. Abbayeva pointed out in her research that the germination of pollen grains is increased in most crops under the influence of boron, whereas in cucumber and poppy, pollen generally does not develop in the absence of boron. Flowering of watermelon boron fertilizer is not only more fruit, but also increase the sugar content. From this can