
来源 :中国药物滥用防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuebing
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为了解贵州省贵阳市中学生使用抗焦虑药情况,我们采用了“药物使用调查表”、“症状自评量表(SCL-90)”及“艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)”对贵阳市两城区6所中学部份中学生2136人进行了测查。结果显示,使用抗焦虑药安定、舒乐安定、三唑仑等药物的有74人,其使用率为3.5%,其中高中生21人,占高中人数的2.9%,初中生为53人,占初中学生的3.7%,男性稍多于女性,初中生使用者多于高中生使用者。在74人中,非医疗用途使用者56人,占用药者的75.7%,药品来源多来自药店及学生互相购买,使用的主要原因是好奇、模仿、消遣等。服药期间出现疲乏无力、头昏嗜睡有41人次,影响学习成绩、上课注意力不集中、迟到、早退有42人次,且用药前均不知道安定等药品是一种易成瘾药。本文还对使用者进行了病理心理、人格特征测查,有心理问题人数最高达12.2%,较对照组高,其主要问题是偏执、人际关系、强迫等,其稳定性(N)、精神质(P)量表分也高于对照组,提示在贵阳市中学中存在有极少部份学生乱用安定等药品的现象及可能存在不良的心理因素,及其影响因素,因此,在中小学生中开展早期预防药物滥用及健康教育宣传,增强学生对药物滥用的免疫力,是极其重要的,同时,加强精神药品管理也颇为重要。 In order to understand the use of anti-anxiety drugs among middle school students in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, we used the “Drug Use Questionnaire”, “SCL-90” and “EPQ” "2,166 secondary school students in 6 secondary schools in Guiyang City were tested. The results showed that the use of anti-anxiety drugs diazepam, diazepam, triazolam and other drugs of 74 people, its use rate was 3.5%, of which 21 were high school students, accounting for 2.9% of high school, junior high school students were 53, accounting for 3.7% of junior high school students, slightly more men than women, junior high school students more than high school students. Among the 74 people, 56 were non-medical users, accounting for 75.7% of the drug users. Most of the drug sources were purchased by pharmacies and students and were mainly used for curiosity, imitation and entertainment. Tired during the medication weakness, dizziness and drowsiness 41 people, affecting academic performance, class concentration, late, leave as early as 42 people, and medication are not aware of stability and other drugs is a drug addiction. This article also carried out the pathological psychology, personality traits survey, the number of psychological problems up to 12.2%, higher than the control group, the main problem is paranoid, interpersonal relationships, coercion, etc., its stability (N), mental quality (P) scale is also higher than the control group, suggesting that there are very few students in Guiyang Middle School abuse of diazepam and other drugs and the possible existence of adverse psychological factors, and its influencing factors, therefore, in primary and middle school students It is extremely important to carry out early prevention of drug abuse and publicity on health education so as to enhance students’ immunity to drug abuse. At the same time, it is also important to strengthen the management of psychotropic substances.
由中国新型建筑材料集团公司、中国新型建材工业杭州设计院、中国化学建材股份公司共同出资、注册成立的凯盛(桐乡)信息材料公司承建的我国首 By the China New Building M
1936年生。中医推拿副主任医师。1961年上海市第二医科大学医疗系毕业、1982年上海中医 Born in 1936. Deputy Chief Physician Chinese massage. 1961 Shanghai Second Med