Critical Reflection: Using Peer Scaffolding to Facilitate Students' Awareness of Collaboration

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Traditional spoon-fed teaching in English classroom has exposed students to a trouble where they might lack enough collaborative experiences of language use in solving daily problems.In order to solve the problem,teachers are facing the challenge of prompting peer interaction within a scaffold.So the question of how to improve students’awareness of collaboration in English classes has become the main focus of this article.It will try to discuss about the concept of peer scaffolding while at the same time,reflect on a detailed lesson plan which uses it to raise students’awareness to cooperate in problem solving. Traditional spoon-fed teaching in English classroom has exposed students to a trouble where they might lack enough yet collaborative experiences of language use in solving daily problems. In order to solve the problem, teachers are facing the challenge of prompting peer interaction within a scaffold. So the question of how to improve students’awareness of collaboration in English classes has become the main focus of this article.It will try to discuss about the concept of peer scaffolding while at the same time, reflect on a detailed lesson plan which it to to raise students’awareness to cooperate in problem solving.
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