用群雄纷争来形容中国的投影机市场并不过分,来自欧美、日本的品牌携技术上的优势,纷纷涌进中国市场。而有实力的中国厂商却屈指可数,晨星应当算是其中的佼佼者。1999年,晨星始创,正是中国投影机市场启动的时期。5年间,中国投影机用户逐渐从价格主导、品牌主导等误区中走出来,开始学会分析自己的实际需求并关注服务。 同当初紧盯国际上知名品牌、立誓要做中国第一的晨星相比,今天的晨星从产品设计、制造、行销、服务上都
It is not too much to describe the projector market in China with colorful disputes. The brands from Europe, the United States and Japan bring their technological superiority into the Chinese market one after another. The strength of the Chinese manufacturers are only a few, Morningstar should be considered one of the best. In 1999, Morningstar was founded, it is the Chinese projector market started. 5 years, China’s projector users gradually from the price-led, brand-driven misunderstandings come out, began to learn to analyze their actual needs and attention to service. With the original focus on the well-known international brands, vowed to do China’s first Morningstar compared to today’s Morningstar from product design, manufacturing, marketing, services are