DTT在德国和英国的成功 ,使得各国政府纷纷重视起DTT。DTG的TobyMarshall和ChrisDziadul进行了全面总结。德国MABB于 8月 4日毅然关闭了柏林 -勃兰登堡地区的模拟广播 ,MABB采用了大胆的市场营销并借助政府补贴 ,德国计划 2 0 0 6年完成向数字广播的切换。爱尔兰两年前就接近开
The success of DTT in Germany and the United Kingdom has led all governments to attach importance to DTT. DTG’s TobyMarshall and ChrisDziadul conducted a comprehensive summary. On August 4, MABB of Germany decided to close the analogue broadcasting in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. MABB adopted a bold marketing campaign with government subsidies. Germany plans to switch to digital broadcasting by 2006. Ireland was close two years ago