孙科致冯玉祥函1933年8月1日焕章先生惠鉴: 别来两载,每想贤劳。比者先生本卫国之热忱,兴师北塞,继续抵抗,以谋恢复失地。薄海听闻,咸为感奋。祗以所取行动缓急之不同与政治责任轻重之悬殊,几因一时之误会,将变对外抗争为对内用兵之举,此诚党国大大不幸,而吾辈义难袖手者也。兼旬以来,事机危迫,忧时之士,焦虑弗胜。科不自揆度,尝以款款之愚,贡陈当局。尚幸此庐山集议,汪蒋两公咸本相忍为国之义,宣告全国,力主和平。以先生平昔之爱护宗邦,讵有愿为戎首之理?则机运移转,重见祥和,固吾国家民族前途无疆之庥也。至于今后大计,有欲与先生一商兑者。窃以为彻底抗日,收复失地,诚为国家民族永久不易之方针。人非汉奸,断无异
Sun Kezhi Feng Yuxiang letter August 1, 1933 Huan Zhang Hui Hui Kam: Do not come two sets, every Yin Xianlao. Mr. Bi than the enthusiasm of our country, Xingli North plug, continue to resist, in order to restore lost ground. Bohai heard, salty for the excitement. It is only because of the disparity between the urgency of action taken and that of political responsibility that they will be turning themselves into misdemeanors for some time and will turn their external resistance into the internal troop movements. And since late, crisis of things, worry about the time, anxiety wins victory. Section is not self-proclaimed, taste the fool of money, tribute to the authorities. Fortunately, this Lushan gatherings, Wang Jiang and the two countries bear the same meaning as the country, declaring the country, advocating peace. With the gentlemanly love of the past, there is no doubt that this will be the first principle of military service. Then the opportunity will be transferred to restore harmony and the future of our nation and nation will never change. As for the future plans, there is a desire to pay a businessman with Mr. Stolen that the total anti-Japanese, regain the lost ground, since the national race is not always the principle of easy. Non-traitors, no different