《萨利克法典》(Lex Salica,以下简称《法典》)是法兰克人征服罗马高卢以后,建立法兰克王国初期用拉丁文写成的第一部成文法,大约形成于克洛维在位(481—511年)时期,后来又陆续有所增补。由于这部《法典》是在法兰克人建国前的古老习惯基础上产生的,因而也被称为“习惯法”。研究这部法典可以了解法兰克人是怎样由原始公社制社会过渡到封建制社会的。一《法典》产生的历史背景法兰克人的国家是在征服罗马领土的基础上形
Lex Salica (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) was the first written law written in Latin in the early days of the Franconian Empire after the Franks conquered the Gaul in Rome, which formed around the birth of Clovis (481-511 Year) period, then gradually added. Since this Code was created on the basis of the ancient habits of the Franks prior to the founding of the People’s Republic, they were also called “customary law.” Studying this code can understand how the Franks transitioned from primitive community to feudal society. A Historical Background of the “Codex” The Franconian State was based on the conquest of Roman territory