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齿轮试验与检测工作委员会在多方支持帮助下,组织了“2014年齿轮试验与检测工作委员会年会暨技术交流会”。会议于2014年5月8日-11日在古城西安召开。齿轮试验与检测工作委员会的宗旨是联合行业专家,通过集中行业优势,引进国外技术,争取政府支持,研究齿轮试验检测技术与装备,推动企业建立齿轮试验检测的技术体系,提高齿轮制造的质量水平和可靠性,增强企业正向设计研发的能力。,该工作委员会自2011年成立以来在引进国外技术,推动行业技术交流、推动企业试验与检测技术进步方面做出了显著贡献。本次会议得到了国内企业、大学,以及社 With the help of many parties, the Commission for Gear Testing and Testing organized the annual meeting and technical exchange meeting of the “2014 Gear Test and Inspection Commission”. The meeting was held in the ancient city of Xi’an from May 8 to May 11, 2014. The purpose of the gear test and inspection committee is to bring together industry experts to introduce technology from foreign countries and gain government support to study gear testing and testing technologies and equipment and to promote the establishment of a technical system for gear testing and testing and to improve the quality of gear manufacturing And reliability, enhance the ability of enterprises to design and develop. Since its establishment in 2011, the work committee has made significant contributions to the introduction of foreign technologies, the promotion of technological exchange in the industry, and the advancement of testing and testing technologies in enterprises. This meeting has been domestic enterprises, universities, and community
曾经有人说,最完整、最精美的古罗马遗址不是在意大利或欧洲,而是在北非,特别是在利比亚。在利比亚西部城市班加西附近的地中海沿岸就有这样一批古罗马遗址群,最著名的便是昔兰尼遗址和阿波洛尼亚遗址。   在利比亚的班加西和图卜鲁格城南边,有一处干涸的沙漠地,名字叫昔兰尼加。在那里海报400米处,便是始建于公元前7世纪昔兰尼古城。相传,昔兰尼古城是由巨人巴托斯用手推车建造的,因为当时手推车的车辙今天仍旧清
在知识经济时代,知识资本的合理配置与运用对咨询业的发展起着关键的作用,本文解析了咨询业的知识资本构成,并就如何有效运用咨询机构的知识资本提出几点建议。 In the era
Ocular pathology serves as one vital branch subject of histopathology,and also as a basic ocular science analysing the pathogenesis of eye disease,the regular p
第八册习作五要求:植物王国里有无穷的奥妙,请选择一两种植物,仔细观察,认真研究,然后把你的发现、研究成果写下来。 The eighth book exercises five requirements: the ki
一.地磁场地磁场的各要项(geomagnetic elements),现用符号表示,计有:F——地磁场的全强度(total magnetic intensity).H——水平强度(horizontal intensity),即地磁场强度