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墓志具有很高的历史价值,可以补史之阙,就墓志志主而言可分为两种情况:一是正史中有传的,但墓志记载的内容更为翔实;二是正史中无传的,仅靠志文见其姓名事迹。墓志还可以证史之误,墓志与正史资料所载往往有差异,将这些互异的记载 Epitaph with high historical value, you can make up the history of the Que, in terms of the epitaph Zhizhu can be divided into two situations: First, there is an official history, but the contents of the epitaph is more informative; Only by Zhiwen see its name deeds. Epitaph can also prove the history of the error, epitaphs and historical records often contain differences, these different records