一、绪言:Gianotti 病亦称小儿丘疹性肢端皮炎,于1955年首由意大利皮肤科医生Gianotti 记载。本病是以小儿四肢、臀部、面部的红色斑丘疹和淋巴结的肿大、肝肿大以及肝功能障碍为特征的疾患。1973年Gianotti 根据39例本症的病人全部检出了乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg),因此证明了Gianotti 病可能与HBsAg 有一定的关系。1973年以来在日本松山市,石丸等人详细观察到在HBsAg 的亚型中ayw 的检出率很高。本文作者又于1975年以来经治了三例本症病人,对HBsAg 亚型等亦提出讨论,从而对于Gianotti 病与HBsAg 之间的关系,开始引起了
First, the introduction: Gianotti disease also known as pediatric papular acrodermatitis, first in 1955 by the Italian dermatologist Gianotti records. The disease is characterized by pediatric limbs, buttocks, facial red rash and enlarged lymph nodes, hepatomegaly and liver dysfunction disorders. In 1973 Gianotti based on 39 patients with this disease were detected in patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), thus proving Gianotti disease may have a certain relationship with HBsAg. Since 1973, in Matsuyama City, Japan, Ishimaru et al. Observed the high detection rate of ayw in the subtype of HBsAg. Since 1975, the author has also treated three patients with this disease and also discussed the HBsAg subtypes. Thus, the relationship between Gianotti disease and HBsAg started to arise