美国市场研究机构e Marketer公司近日发表研究报告称,2015年,美国网民中通过在线观看视频节目的人数达1.81亿人,也就是说,每10名美国网民中有7人是在线视频观众。据称,这一比例还将持续上升,到2019年将增至1.996亿人,迫近两亿人大关。尽管美国最大在线DVD租赁商美国奈飞公司(Netflix)和亚马逊即时视频等服务机构都在崛起,但是作为全球著名视频网站的美国You Tube网站则更受网民的欢迎,为网民数量的增长做出了贡献。
According to a recent study by eMarketing Corporation, a US market research agency, in 2015, the number of Internet users in the United States reached 181 million via online viewing of video programs. That is, seven out of every 10 U.S. Internet users are online video viewers. Allegedly, this proportion will also continue to rise, by 2019 will increase to 199.6 million people, approaching two million people mark. Although Netflix, the largest online DVD rental company in the United States, and service providers such as Amazon Instant Video are on the rise, the YouTube website of You Tube, the world’s leading video site, is even more popular with netizens and has increased the number of netizens Contribute.