冬天来了,瑶瑶妈的担心又开始了,因为去年冬天瑶瑶不 小心在脸上长了冻疮。刚开始瑶瑶的小脸上只是有点充血发 红,后来就形成暗红色的斑,并伴有肿胀、疼痛、发痒,尤其 是一遇到热时,瑶瑶显得特别的烦躁,老是想用手去挠。因为 没有经验,瑶瑶妈当时也不知道怎么办,结果暗红色的斑逐渐 变成暗紫色,肿胀也更为明显了,还出现了水泡,一直等到天 气暖和时才好转。
Winter is coming, Yaoyao mother’s worry has begun, because last year Yaoyao carelessly frostbite in his face. At the beginning, Yaoyao’s little face was only a little congestive redness, and later formed a dark red spot, accompanied by swelling, pain, itching, especially in the face of fever, Yaoyao special irritability, always want Hand to scratch. Because no experience, Yaoyao mother did not know how to do at the time, the result of the dark red spots gradually turned dark purple, swelling is also more obvious, there have been blisters, until the weather is warm until the improvement.