A:现在,请算算你在玩游戏方面花了多少钱? B:换了辆新卡丁车,给劲舞里的“我”买了套衣服……C:给《魔兽》世界里的“我”换了套装备……是不是不知不觉就已经往你喜爱的游戏中投资不少了?回头看看,这些钱都花得值吗?今天,爱玩《三国风云》的同志们注意了,在这里让一位“前辈”教教大家怎么在《三国风云》里“投资理财”吧!前辈觉得玩游戏花钱大体可以分三类:第一类,打死我也不充值,大不了我不玩了;第二类,不花钱玩啥游戏啊?花,大量花,要花得爽,玩得爽;第三类,玩游戏适当就好,适当充一点,精打细算过日子!在这里,前辈就不深究第一、第二类玩家的心态了,想想大家自己心里也有数,各人有各人的哈姆雷特嘛!前辈这里想说说,怎样用最少的钱把这个游戏玩好!
A: Now, how much do you have to spend playing the game? B: For a new kart, for the dance “I ” bought a set of clothes ... ... C: To the world of Warcraft “I ” for a set of equipment ... ... is it right? Unknowingly have to invest in your favorite games a lot? Look back, these money is worth? Today, love to play “Three Kingdoms” comrades We pay attention to, here to allow a “predecessors ” teach you how in the “Three Kingdoms situation” “investment management ” predecessors feel that game spending can generally be divided into three categories: the first category, killed I do not recharge, big deal I do not play; the second category, do not spend money playing games ah? Flowers, a lot of flowers, to spend cool, play cool; the third category, play the game as appropriate, appropriate to fill a little , Determined to live! Here, seniors do not go into the first, the second type of player mentality, and think of everyone there is also a number of their own, everyone has each of the Hamlet! Predecessors want to talk about here, how to use the least amount of money Play this game!