Multiple Linear Regression Application on the Inter-Network Settlement of Internet

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zl74531
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This paper develops an analytical framework to explain the Internet interconnection settlement issues. The paper shows that multiple linear regression can be used in assessing the network value of Internet Backbone Providers (IBPs). By using the exchange rate of each network, we can define a rate of network value, which reflects the contribution of each network to interconnection and the interconnected network resource usage by each of the network. This paper shows an analysis framework to explain the Internet interconnection settlement issues. The paper shows that multiple linear regression can be used in assessing the network value of Internet Backbone Providers (IBPs). By using the exchange rate of each network, we can define a rate of network value, which reflects the contribution of each network to interconnection and the interconnected network resource usage by each of the network.
请先看一篇文言文:  耶律乙辛,字胡睹衮,五院部人。大康元年,皇太子始预朝政,法度修明,乙辛不得逞,谋以事诬皇后。后既死,乙辛不自安,又欲害太子。乘间入奏日:“帝与后如天地并位,中宫岂可旷?”盛称其党附马都尉萧霞抹之妹美而贤。上信之,纳于宫,寻册为皇后。时护卫萧忽古知乙辛奸状,伏桥下,欲杀之。俄暴雨坏桥,谋不遂。林牙萧岩寿密奏日:“乙辛自皇太子预政,内怀疑惧,又与宰相张孝杰相附会。恐有异图,不可使