Frequency selective surface structure optimized by genetic algorithm

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houhao88
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Frequency selective surface (FSS) is a two-dimensional periodic structure which has prominent characteristics of bandpass or bandblock when interacting with electromagnetic waves. In this paper, the thickness, the dielectric constant, the element graph and the arrangement periodicity of an FSS medium are investigated by Genetic Algorithm (GA) when an electromagnetic wave is incident on the FSS at a wide angle, and an optimized FSS structure and transmission characteristics are obtained. The results show that the optimized structure has better stability in relation to incident angle of electromagnetic wave and preserves the stability of centre frequency even at an incident angle as large as 80°, thereby laying the foundation for the application of FSS to curved surfaces at wide angles. Frequency selective surface (FSS) is a two-dimensional periodic structure which has prominent characteristics of bandpass or bandblock when interacting with electromagnetic waves. In this paper, the thickness, the dielectric constant, the element graph and the arrangement periodicity of of FSS medium are investigated by Genetic Algorithm (GA) when an electromagnetic wave is incident on the FSS at a wide angle, and an optimized FSS structure and transmission characteristics are obtained. The results show that the optimized structure has better stability in relation to incident angle of electromagnetic wave and preserves the stability of center frequency even at an incident angle as large as 80 °, therefore laying the foundation for the application of FSS to curved surfaces at wide angles.
我厂铸造车间有一座5t/h 两排风口井式加料冷风冲天炉,每次化铁35~45t。移动槽钢架上的电动葫芦的起升电机与电源线,由于长期承受高温气流与火焰的烘烤,经常被烧坏。为此,我
1993年2月16日,在太原重型机器厂举行了我国首台70t动力开闭式板坯夹钳试车演示会。机械电子工业部等上级部门和有关兄弟单位的领导和专家参加了大会。 动力开闭式板坯夹钳装