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近年来,全国已经建立了众多红色旅游基地,其产业得到开发利用,成为新的经济增长点。江西也不例外,红色文化产业产出了巨大社会与经济效益。然而,江西红色文化资源极为丰富,其产业发展有着巨大潜力,应利用全国大力开发红色文化资源的机遇,按照文化产业的规律办事,树立文化是经济发展内在动力的观念,充分开发江西宝贵的红色文化资源。 In recent years, numerous red tourism bases have been established across the country, and their industries have been exploited and utilized, making them a new economic growth point. Jiangxi is no exception, the red culture industry has produced tremendous social and economic benefits. However, Jiangxi is extremely rich in red culture resources and has great potential for its industrial development. It should make full use of the opportunity of vigorously developing the red cultural resources in the country, act in accordance with the laws of the cultural industry, establish the concept that culture is the intrinsic motive force for economic development, and fully develop Jiangxi’s precious red Cultural resources.
患者男,64岁.因畏寒、发热3 d伴咳嗽胸痛于2001年4月14日入院.患者因患"痛风"4年,于入院前因服用痛风利仙10片,继之出现畏寒、发热、右侧胸痛、咳嗽、咳黄色脓痰,曾在当地用抗感染治疗无效而转入我院。