中共广西壮族自治区委员会 广西壮族自治区人民政府关于推进科技与经济结合新突破的若干规定

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为实现科技与经济结合的新突破,结合我区实际,制定本规定。第一条实现以产品创新为核心,推进科技与经济结合的新突破是各级党委、政府实施科教兴桂的一项重要任务。为此,要建立科技与经济结合的工作目标管理责任制,加强领导,真抓实干。从1999年起,对地、市、县(区)党政领导班子和行业主管部门领导班子进行科技与经济结合工作政绩的年度考核。各行业主管部门也要会同当地政府,对本行业的企业及经营性单位的领导班子进行相应的考核。第二条各级党委、政府和各级领导要牢固树立科技进步是经济发展决定性因素的思想,增强依靠科技进步拉动经济增长的意识和 In order to achieve a new breakthrough in the integration of science and technology with the economy, these Provisions are formulated in the light of the actual conditions in our region. Article 1 The first breakthrough in product innovation shall be the promotion of a new breakthrough in the integration of science and technology with the economy. It is an important task for Party committees and governments at all levels to implement the policy of rejuvenating science and education through science and education. To this end, we must establish a responsibility system for the management of work objectives in accordance with the principle of combining science and technology with the economy, step up leadership, and work hard in a down-to-earth manner. Starting from 1999, the leading bodies of party and government leading bodies and industry authorities in prefectures, cities and counties (districts) carry out the annual assessment of the merits of combining science and technology with the economy. The competent departments of various industries must also work with the local government to conduct corresponding assessment on the leadership of enterprises and business units in the industry. Article 2 The party committees and governments at all levels and the leaders at all levels should firmly establish the thinking that scientific and technological progress is the decisive factor in economic development and enhance the awareness of relying on scientific and technological progress to promote economic growth and
人类目前的探测器要想探测几光年之外的星球,都需要飞行上万年,等探测器万年以后到达的时候,即使能够把探测那个星球的信息传递回来,地球上也许已经是桑田变沧海。  不过,纳米专家的一些想法倒是很有吸引力。他们的想法是,发射一个探测器到小行星带上,最好是到太阳系外围的柯伊伯带内。不过这个探测器奇妙的是,它是一个“怀孕”了的探测器,就是说,它携带着另一个探测器的“胚胎”,并且能自动取用小行星带内的物质,供自
一流品质,知名品牌,超值服务,使柳工一跃成为国际品牌,这不仅增添了柳工神秘魅力的沉淀与积累,更成就了柳工在工程机械行业的领导地位。 First-class quality, well-known b
今年6月~8月,我国“神舟十号”飞船将搭载三位航天员飞向太空,与“天宫一号”飞行器对接。“神舟十号”将巩固和优化“神舟九号”实现的载人交会对接技术,为我国空间站的建设打下基础。  继“神舟十号”上天后,我国还将发射“天宫二号”空间实验室。2020年前后,我国将建成自己的太空家园——空间站。