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邮电专业农村通信情报网第12次技术交流会于1994年9月7日至10日在内蒙呼和浩特市召开,出席会议的有全国26个省、市、自治区167名代表,代表中有局长、处长、总工等领导36名。内蒙古邮电管理局孙字博副局长,科技处王可江处长在会议开幕式上讲了话,内蒙古农话局赵荣才局长在会议上介绍了内蒙农话发展建设的经验,邮电部情报所李锡堂副所长专程从北京赶到呼市参加了会议,并作了重要讲话,李副所长讲话的主要精神是:我国农村通信开始驶入发展的“快车道”,随着农村经济和乡镇企业的蓬勃发展,农村通信要坚持普及与提高相结合,以实现自动化、数字化为目标,加快城市一体化本地通信网的建设。目前,全国农村换机总容量已达到4810万门,超额10万门提前完成“八五”计划。“九五”期间全国电话普及率要达到8%,城市电话普及率达到30~40%,农村要求基本达到村村通电活。 The 12th technical exchange meeting of post and telecommunications professional rural communication information network was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia from September 7 to September 10, 1994. There were 167 representatives from 26 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the country, Long, Chief Engineer and other leaders of 36. At the opening ceremony of the meeting, Commissioner Wang Kejiang, deputy director of Inner Mongolia Post and Telecommunication Administration Sun Zi Bo, director of Science and Technology Department made a speech. Director Zhao Rongcai of Inner Mongolia Agricultural Bureau introduced the development and construction experience of Inner Mongolia’s agricultural land and the vice director of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Intelligence Office Li Xitang Long made a special trip from Beijing to Hohhot to attend the meeting and made an important speech. The main thrust of Deputy Director Li’s speech is: China’s rural communications began to enter the development of “fast lane”. As the rural economy and township enterprises flourished Development, rural communications should adhere to the combination of popularization and improvement, in order to achieve automation, digital as the goal, speed up the integration of urban local communication network construction. At present, the total capacity for rural renewal in rural areas has reached 48.1 million and the excess of 100,000 has completed the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” in advance. During the “Ninth Five-Year” period, the national telephone penetration rate will reach 8%, and the urban telephone penetration rate will reach 30-40%. In rural areas, it basically requires electricity to reach the village.
1 很多重大发现会用到逆向思维的方法,丹麦物理学家奥斯特首先发现了_______,即电生磁;通过逆向思维,英国物理学家法拉第发现了______现象,由此发明了发电机,从而使电得到了大规模的应用。