[Moderator language] Roland Barthes is one of the most important critics of the post-structuralist era of French structure and post-structuralism from the 1950s to the 1970s. His semiotics theory provides the basic methodological principles for the entire cultural study. His text The concept of view and author opened the epistemological shift of Western literary theory in the second half of the 20th century. His interpretation of Balzac’s novel Sarasin is considered to be the most daring experiment in the post-structuralist reading practice. But Barthes does not belong to the kind of modern theorist who knows the essence of theory. Compared with his contemporary intellectual heroes, Barthes seldom crosses the battlefields of philosophy, thought or culture history, The field stimulates writing as academic authority or intellectual elite. He hated the rhetoric and ideological discourse, and hated the literary geniuses of the bourgeoisie. Barthes writing more like a private diary, one after another entry is recorded him