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透视装在去年还只是初露端倪,然而在1999年的流行资讯上却已跃然成为时尚的亮丽焦点。在崇尚人体美的西方,透视装是以立体结构来展示对肌肤的刻意强调乃至器官的半裸露。1988年国际名模辛迪·克劳馥首先穿起了用蕾丝制作的透视装走上了T型台,10年之后以巴黎为辐射中心的国际服装界便刮起了透视装的流行风。 有人说,“透视装”的“风头”是从西方引进的。其实并不尽然。早在我国唐代,就有着身披透
近年来,海门市市属纺织工业及时把目标瞄 准了国际大市场,大力实施“外向带动”战 略,积极发展外向型经济。97年1—3季度,市属纺织系统完成工业产值同比增长34.6%,销售收入同
We investigate the phase coherent transport in a single channel system. The theory that the transmission zeros lead to abrupt phase change and in-phase resonanc
【正】 2001年6月经江苏省人民政府批准建立的常州纺织服装职业技术学院,以转变观念为先导,以制度创新为基础、以综合改革为动力、以教学改革为核心、以课程建设为抓手,全面
<正> 常州东南印染总厂是由80多年历史的常州丝绸印染总厂,实施“退二进三”迁厂组建的国有企业。当时由于受丝绸行业大气候及汇率风险的影响,企业债务沉重,加上计划经济模式
We analytically study the nonlinear localized gap modes in a one-dimensional atomic chain with uniform atomic mass but two periodically alternating force consta
The low-lying spectra of parabolic quantum dots with or without an impurity at the center are investigated.While it has been known that the electron-electron in
<正> 在严峻的市场面前,无锡宏源纺机集团在逆境中求发展,在调整中增强活力,经济效益保持稳步增长的态势。 调整组织结构 在去年推进铸造的外托生产基础上,加快以热处理、压
The theoretic renormalization group approach is applied to the study of short-time critical behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau model with weakly long-range interac
We introduce new kinds of states of quantized radiation fields, which are the superpositions of negative binomial states. They exhibit remarkable nonclassical p
A new kind of graded Lie algebra (We call it Z2,2 graded Lie algebra) is introduced as a framework for formulating parasupersymmetric theories. By choosing suit