Safety and feasibility of emergent percutaneous coronary intervention with the transradial access in

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The use of intense anticoagulation and antiplatelettherapy in acute myocardial infarction (AMI)potentially increases the risk of bleeding complicationsduring percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) via thetransfemoral approach. Recently, the transradial accesshas been increasingly employed as an alternative meansfor diagnostic and interventional procedures. Lowincidence of vascular access site bleeding complicationssuggests the transradial approach as a safe alternative tothe femoral technique in AMI, particularly under anaggressive anticoagulation/antiplatelet regimen.Nevertheless, the safety and feasibility of employing thetransradial approach for primary PCI in AMI has not beenthoroughly investigated so far. The use of intense anticoagulation and antiplatelettherapy in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) potentially increases the risk of bleeding complications peruring percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) via the trans femoral approach. Recently, the transradial accesshas been increasingly employed as an alternative means for diagnostic and interventional procedures. vascular access site bleeding complicationssuggests the transradial approach as a safe alternative tothe femoral technique in AMI, particularly under anaggressive anticoagulation / antiplatelet regimen. Yet, the safety and feasibility of employing thetransradial approach for primary PCI in AMI has not beenthoroughly investigated so far.
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<正> 美国加利福尼亚大学教授,世界著名的国际法学家卡尔.Q.克里斯托尔最近在"空间法律大会"上指出:由于超级大国之间的竞争和发展中国家之间的普遍不安定,许多观察家近来热衷于探讨获取"战略稳定"的前景。"战略稳定"即是美国与其盟国和苏联与其盟国之间出现的大致军事均衡情况。这些争夺向空间法学家提出了特别尖锐的挑战。如果战略稳定的情形既适合于地球,也适合于空间环境,如果这种情形能带来可以接受的军备控制和裁军的标准——包括原子武器的实质性削减和从空间环境中撤走原子、非原子武器——我们将都