利用地理优势 发展支柱财源

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南江县地处大巴山南麓,境内山峦起伏,林草丰茂,有各类草场草坡1156万亩,占全县面积30%以上(其中万亩以上的连片草场16处),农闲零星草场20万亩。该县具有得天独厚的自然优势,经科学论证,可养牛20 Nanjiang County is located in the southern foot of Dabashan, the territory of ups and downs, lush forest, there are all kinds of grassland 1156 acres of grassland, accounting for more than 30% of the county area (of which more than 10,000 acres of contiguous pastures 16) 20 mu The county has a unique natural advantage, the scientific feasibility studies, can raise 20 cattle