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象征主义首先诞生于十九世纪末期的法国诗坛,后扩及到戏剧及其它艺术种类。象征主义的先驱者是法国诗人波德莱尔(1812—1867)。他于一八五七年发表的诗集《恶之华》,为他奠定了象征派开山始祖的地位。在这本诗集中,有一首题为《对应》的诗,被人们公认为象征主义最初的宣言。这首诗从立意定题到形象塑造,都表明波德莱尔受了史威登堡(1688—1772,瑞典神秘主义哲学家)“对应论”思想的 Symbolism was first born in the French poetry of the late nineteenth century and later expanded to drama and other art genres. The pioneer of symbolism is the French poet Baudelaire (1812-1867). His poetry anthology “Evil China”, published in 1857, laid him a symbol of the status of ancestral mountain founder. In this poem, there is a poem entitled “Correspondence,” which is widely accepted as the first declaration of symbolism. The poem, from setting the subject to shaping the image, shows that Baudelaire is influenced by the idea of ​​correspondence by Schwedenberg (1688-1772, Swedish mystic philosopher)
患者男,20岁.因反复发作劳力性胸痛、胸闷7年余,近1周加重入院.患者于13岁开始反复出现活动后心前区闷痛,有时胸痛向左肩背部放射,每次发作持续3~10 min,休息可缓解.7年来曾多次因劳力性胸痛在我院及外院诊治,诊断为"冠心病,高脂血症",予扩冠、降脂等治疗.近1周上述症状明显加重,胸痛、胸闷发作时间延长,休息难以缓解,再次来我院就诊。