In recent years, we have actively explored and practiced bilingual teaching in Structural Geology. First of all, we employ well-known structural geology experts from the United States to teach in our school. Our teacher teachers learn from each other and help strengthen and develop our own bilingual teaching faculty. Then, we give a bilingual lecture by our own speaker. At the same time, we send teachers to foreign countries for further studies. During the training period, our teachers have also been hired to conduct teaching cooperation and teaching in foreign universities. This has achieved the goal of international teaching cooperation and exchange and teacher training. Through the international cooperation and exchange, we carried out the renewal and transformation of tectonic geology teaching system and method system, and explored the bilingual teaching mode of adopting English original textbook + Chinese teaching reference book + English-Chinese contrastive professional vocabulary + English teaching multimedia + English teaching . In short, through the open international cooperation, the bilingual teaching practice of “tectonic geology”, the construction of “tectonic geology” curriculum and the teaching reform have been promoted, achieving both results.