针对纯银因耐蚀性良好而使其在金相组织显示方面难度较大的问题,研究了不同浸蚀剂及浸蚀剂浓度和浸蚀时间对纯银显微组织显示的影响。结果表明,双氧水和氨水配制成的浸蚀剂浸蚀纯银后能够较好的显示出金相组织,而王水、硝酸甲醇溶液以及重铬酸钾氯化钠溶液等3种浸蚀剂并未显示出纯银的显微组织特征。氨水与双氧水的配比及浸蚀时间对显微组织显示有影响,当组分配比为1∶1,浸蚀时间为40 s时,显示出的组织最清晰。
In view of the fact that pure silver is more difficult to show the microstructure due to its good corrosion resistance, the effects of different etchant and etchant concentration and etching time on the microstructure of pure silver are studied. The results show that the etchant prepared by hydrogen peroxide and ammonia can erode the metallographic structure better, and the etchant of aqua regia, nitric acid and potassium dichromate and sodium chloride solution The microstructure characteristics of pure silver are not shown. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide ratio and etching time on the microstructure showed an impact, when the ratio of 1: 1, etching time of 40 s, the organization showed the clearest.