Art and Game

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  Summary:Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas,I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human is more important. Such as college students should play tennis or football with indifferent skill than that a college should produce a few champion athletes. It is only when the spirit of play is kept that art can escape being commercialized.
  Key Words:Art Game Design Commercialized
  Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas,I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human is more important. But game is characteristic of play that one plays without reason and there must be no reason for it.
  During the 18th century to the 19th century,there is a kind of theory,that is Art originated from the game. Art or the aesthetic activities originated in the game instincts of human beings,it displays in two aspects,on the one hand is because the human has excess energy,on the other hand is to apply this surplus energy to some activities without utility,embodied in a kind of freedom “game”.
  Many years later,some scholars further play and added to the claim,as higher animals,people,compared to the lower animals have more excess energy. Art and games,is the way how people to vent the surplus energy. Emphasize the main feature of the game is no actual utility purpose,it is not necessary for people to maintain life,but in order to dissipate excess energy,and get pleasure and aesthetic feeling from the games. For example:the cat likes chasing the string rolling on the floor is to practice catching the mouse;The little girl likes to holding a puppet in her arms is the practice of how to be a mother…
  Games on one hand,has a unique system of its own rule,on the other hand,inevitably affected by the culture and art. Gameplay desire with personality and social additional meaning,thus,gameplay design cannot exclude other art means,has inner link with art and culture. The game's visual art is a rising technology. The rapid development of CG technology brings a big surprise to the game world. The implication of many cases is that the game is developed into an independent art.
  Game art design needs to consider four factors,they are:immersion,harmony,concept and technology.
  Immersion is the commonality of art. Lifelike realism in painting,vivid image and abstract thinking are immersed of the audiences,the immersion beauty of games is based on a similar technique. The CG technology played a key role in immersion. From black and white to colorful,from the pixel to the 3D,the game engine and the development of hardware bring the improvement of the image quality.   Harmony emphasizes on that visual style need to keep harmony with game mechanics,also keep the overall harmony between the various visual elements,that is to say,the visual design elements need to remove the excess. First of all,game pictures and the interactive need to stay harmony,the pictures need to make players feel comfortable,reasonable and make the highlight;secondly,picture style also need internal harmony,should try to avoid a lot of packing decoration.
  An important part of the concept is the core game visual. Concept emphasizes the expression of desire and ideal,emphasize on the vision of new and original. Such as myth,science fiction,fairy tales,legends,etc. The works contain the author’s imagination. This principle is based on what Sigmund Freud said,the connection between the game and desires. The game allows players to feel the experience of life what they can't realize.
  The visual expression of the game is limited by the technology and the hardware. With the development of science and technology,the computer's resources has also improved,therefore the development of the technology by leaps and bounds. And in the level of art,technology goal is to use the least amount of resources,to the best performing visual expression,to express the best game content. Technology is immersed,harmony,the concept of security,only when the technology mature and stable,games can become art system,otherwise,the building of theory may be with the change of the technical foundation and crumble.
  Therefore,with the improvement of the game art,games and art will enter a new realm. The embodiment of the thought lies in the art making. The seriousness of the game promotes the art regression. That's what we expect to see a win-win situation.
  Jing QiMing
  Qilu University Of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences)
  Decoration design major
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